- I might get a job in social work and stay up here.
- I might get a job, not in social work, and stay up here.
- I might get a job somewhere else and move there.
- I might not get a job, move out, stay with the Lynches for a while until I can get back on my feet.
- I might not get a job, move home with the parents, find a job there, and pay off my school debt until I can get back on my feet.
- I might not get a job, move home with the parents, find a job there, pay off my school debt until I can get back on my feet, and try to get into grad school at Murray.
- I might not get a job, move home with the parents and... join Americorps this fall.
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago
You know I'm always personally happy with the ones that move you back this way...even if it was just a lil bit closer, but they all sounds like good ideas. Just let us know if there is anything that we can do..if it's helping you make this decision or anything we can always def. convince you to live here, hehe.