I am definitely glad I'm off work for the day. I have been completely useless there the past few days.. I just don't want to do anything. I'm very excited about my interview tomorrow! and I hope this place will be a good fit for, and I for them. There's a lot of wind going on up here, really big gusts, and it's very mild and cloudy out. In other words, great weather. I kinda just want to sit outside and enjoy it.. but I don't have any patio furniture. If I end up staying here, I'm going to have to get some chairs so I can sit on my balcony. I'm kinda sad that I don't have Adam and Amanda up here, because I know they would enjoy the balcony ever so much.
Anyhow, I get to go into work late tomorrow.. definitely a perk!!
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago
You know that is the truth, that's our things...hanging outside on porches and balconys we love it! We, def. will come and set on your balcony with you!