I'm watching a wintry mix of accumulation drizzling and blowing about outside, and it's times like this I remember: I hate winter. I used to hate spring, but now it's winter. Maybe it's because my first winter in Cincinnati was ridiculously cold (the wind chill one morning when I went to work was -15... that's a bit much). Or, because during my first winter here, everyone back home was dealing with the Ice Storm. I capitalize it because it actually was a pretty big deal. People were without electricity for weeks. It freaked me out, and I wasn't even experiencing it firsthand. I was also still employed at the Cabinet, and that was just a big pot of stress soup.
Anyways, I'm ready for spring time. I'm ready for short sleeves, 60 degree sunny days, the return of greenery, and more humidity. The dry air here is ridiculous! I've never had dry skin before, so I'm taking it kind of personally.
Yesterday I forgot to take my Adderall before going to work. The funny (and by funny I mean hilarious) thing was, people could tell without me having to say anything. I was pretty useless at work. I didn't get much accomplished in terms of paperwork until near the end of the day, when my brain finally kicked into gear. Needless to say, when I get my next prescription, I'm going to bring my old bottle into work with a few doses in it so that if I forget my meds again, I'll have an emergency stash. I'm usually able to multi-task even when there's a conversation going on in the office, but yesterday I couldn't even finish typing an e-mail because I was too busy listening to MaryClare and Bree talk about adoption stuff. I'm not complaining about them--it's just interesting to see how I function without my meds.
I have to give myself a pat on the back. The past 3 months I've been working really hard on building muscle. I've done tons of research on exercise routines, nutrition, and overall health. Most of that has been because of the extremely helpful guys at the Mens Health magazine online forums. Without them to set me straight, I'd still be doing pointless exercises that got me nowhere and eating all the wrong things. Over the last year, I have gained 12 pounds--10 pounds of that is muscle. 4 pounds of muscle was gained in the last two months. For my final consult with my trainer, I had him take my measurements. In the past two months, I've added 1 inch to my shoulders, one inch to my chest, one inch to my arms, one inch to my thighs, and 1/4 inch to my calves. I'm so excited! I need to adjust my diet a little bit to reduce the amount of fat I'm storing, then I should be golden.
I'm going on a cruise in a week! I'm stoked! I can't wait to get off the plane and walk onto that gigantic boat! If you are feeling especially generous, you (and some friends, if you want to split the cost!) can buy me some drink tickets. Just click on this link and enter Booking Number 99NZ85 and Stateroom Number 7280. :)
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago
Yeah I'm totally done w/ winter, which as we all know use to be my fave season, but not anymore. I want it to be spring!!! Anyway Im very impressed w/ all of your fitness things going on. I wish I could lose weight and be really super concious about all of that stuff, and then I get hungry again, hehe! We miss you and love you!