So, life after a diagnosis and prescription has been interesting. I'm learning so much about ADHD and how it affects literally every aspect of a person's life. It's not just attention or spazziness... there are so many layers and variances and nuances in this disorder. I'm reading "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?" and it answers so many questions I didn't even know I had. I even have my own fun little label: an ADDult. :D
Taking the Adderall has helped. I feel more focused and motivated and clear-headed. Less static and chatter inside my head. The side effects aren't bad at all, either. It's disrupted my sleep cycle a little bit, but I'm getting the hang of it. The first day was a little rough. I got a headache, but at the same time I felt more in control of my own mind than I ever have. Now that my body is adjusting to the medication, I'm thinking I might need a slightly higher dose (I'm on one of the lowest prescribed doses) but for now everything's easy-peasy. I even cleaned up my desk a little. My supervisor said she was impressed.
Speaking of, I got my work evaluation today. It was mostly Meets Expectations, with a few Exceeds Expectations and one Outstanding. Boss lady says in my next evaluation, I'll have a lot more "Exceeds". I told her that was my goal.
Overall, I'm loving my job. I feel so blessed to have stumbled into such an amazing opportunity with such kind, smart, dedicated and fun people to work with. It's stressful at times, but I definitely don't go home worrying about my job anymore. I don't even mind the overtime.. mostly because I can flex my schedule, which is such a sweet deal. Granted, I'm making a little less than what I hoped, but money isn't even half of everything.
My life is headed in great directions right now. I've reached a new, positive point in my relationship with my parents that I have only, up to this point, dreamed about and hoped for. I'm starting to make roots here in NKY/Cincinnati... and although I miss my friends who are far away, there's a saying written on a piece of card stock in a picture frame mounted in my bedroom: "The road to a friend's house is never long."
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago
I'm so glad that everything is working out w/ the meds and the adhd. And I'm glad you have the job you do too and that eveyrhting is working out for you up there...and it is true the road to a friend's house is never long, and that is what I keep telling myself about next weekend. But it sure seems like it is taking a long time just to get to that point hehe!