I wish I had words to describe the feeling in my body and mind. It just feels like.. "smoo." Not a delicious treat from The Big Apple, but just a pathetic, blah, yucky word. Smoo.
Beyond that.. I went home last weekend and saw Adam, Amanda and Aiden, aka Iron Man. It was great to meet Aiden, especially since he was being a little snot and kept changing his mind about when he was being born. I got to see Denham and Julie as well, and Jamie and Jeff too. It was a nice weekend.
Work is kinda stressful right now. Getting new clients always wears me out, especially during school, because the school systems are very uncooperative about transferring records and admitting my clients as students. I want to punch the schools in their throats.
Okay, I came up with a word. "Poopy."
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago
I call it "schmelpy."
"I hate when I forget to take my Zoloft for 3 days straight, I feel so schmelpy."
Picture a sad kitten that just fell in a puddle.
hahaha I love Brittany's comment.... and I hope you feel better now.