My YES! moment of the day: I'm taking one of my clients to see Harry Potter for her birthday, and I'm totally getting paid to see a movie. Rock on. Oh! And I'm the "Resident Spotlight" for my apartment complex in the newsletter next month!
My NO! moment of the day: I unpeeled my banana this morning, and it broke in half because halfway down it was completely black and rotten. Fort Wright Wal-Mart gets a huge thumbs-down! All of their produce was completely picked-over and they were out of stock on tons of stuff. Screw you guys, I'm going to Alexandria from now on.
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago
Even though it was terrible and I would have been just as sad about it, being that is your only no...that's a pretty darn good day! I miss you already even though we just saw you this weekend. I wish we were going to see Harry Potter together! Hope you have fun!