Oh. My. God.
I apparently never learned this skill, so how do you deflect people who are aggressively trying to be your friend? I tried being a friend to these two people, but after a couple months, I have realized that they are completely annoying. It's not like me to feel this way, but a guy can only take so much repetitive texting and constant Facebook IMs. And I can only turn down so many invitations to hang out. No, I don't want to. I don't have the extra money or time or patience for you. I will spend that money and time for people who mean something to me, but I barely know you. Leave me alone.
Ugh! I'm such a lame-o-saurus because I don't know how to turn people away. I just deal with it for the time being, then complain about it on my blog. If I had super powers, I would probably teleport these people to.. gosh, I don't know, somewhere random like Reykjavik or the Falkland Islands or Truth or Consequences. And I would take away their cell phones and computers. And teleport them into the sun.
Noticing.. and life
13 years ago